User-agent: * Disallow: /search Allow: / health: Journey part 1

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Journey part 1

As I start my new journey in life I have begun looking back on my life over the years. I feel like you have to take the experiences that you have had, whether it's good or bad and use those to grow from. As I move forward I want to make sure I fulfill all my dreams and expectations for my life. I want to live life to the fullest, laugh lots, and love with everything I have and have it returned 100%. What I give to others in life I would like to be returned.

Weekly I will be chronically my journey and sharing my reflections as I travel along the journey of my new life.

One thing that I have spoken very briefly about in the past is the issues that I have experienced with my body image and having an eating disorder. It started in high school as so often they do for young women. My struggles then continued throughout my 20's. My early 20's where when it reached it's peak. Through educating myself in proper nutrition and combined with exercise I was able to find a healthy and ultimately happier balance in myself. But I struggled with my eating disorder and the OCD tendencies that I had around food into my later 20's. It wasn't until I was about 28 or 29 that I really moved past those internal feelings about my body and the OCD that I had around food. As I'm about to turn 31 in just a few weeks I feel the happiest and healthiest that I have ever been. After so many years I feel that healthy living is 100% who I am and how I live my life daily.

I feel that I have found that perfect balance and that I shouldn't let others determine how I feel about myself. If someone makes you feel bad about yourself then you shouldn't have those people in your life. As I move forward I want to surround myself with people who love me for who I am and make me feel good about myself. I'm looking forward to having the happiest and healthiest years ahead of me to be enjoyed.

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